Wednesday, 30 May 2018

quaint bloopers

27 April 1958 - Donald O'Connor as the great silent movie comedian in 'The Buster Keaton story' (O palhaço que não ri)... the blooper is in the clichè on top of Ipiranga: there is no such a thing as: 1a. feira in Portuguese. The days of the week are: domingo, 2a. feira, 3a. feira, 4a. feira, 5a. feira, 6a. feira and sábado... as you see there is no 1a. feira. The linotypist probably meant 2a. instead of 1a. 
July 1969 - Reginaldo Faria's 'Os paqueras', a comedy with a sexual leaning which Brazilian journalist used to call 'porno-chanchada' a mix of 'cheap comedy' (from the 1950s) with 'pornographic cinema', which was completely banned in the country up to 1988 - still long 19 years in the future. The blooper here is the clichè (again) which was set upside-down: Bruni Vila Nova.

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