Wednesday, 30 May 2018

1 9 5 8 (1st) - 'Sweet smell of success' / 'The bachelor's party'/ 'Band of angels'

19 January 1958 - blockbuster 'Absolutamente certo' which opened in São Paulo in late 1957, promises great box-office intake in Rio... 
19 January 1958 - Ankito & Grande Otelo's popularity was at its peak in early 1958... 
19 January 1958 - '12 homens e uma sentença', a courtroom drama adapted from the teleplay 'Twelve angry men' by Reginald Rose, who produced the film with its star Henry Fonda.
28 January 1958 - As one can see Brazilian movies were really popular in early 1958.
11 March 1958 - Elia Kazan's 'A face in the crowd' (Um rosto na multidão) with Andy Griffith & Patricia Neal. Screenplay written by Budd Schulberg based on his short-story 'Your Arkansas traveker'm from the collection 'Some faces in the crowd' (1953).   
23 March 1958 - released in the USA on 9 April 1957, 'The bachelor party' (Despedida de solteiro) was the first production of Hecht, Hill & Lancaster.
Don Murray & Carolyn Jones.
Don Murray surfaces from the BMT line; Carolyn Jones & Don Murray.
6 April 1958 - 'A maldição de Frankenstein' (The curse of Frankestein) released in 1957, was the very first Hammer Film Productions' film. Loosely based on the novel 'Frankenstein' (1818) by Mary Shelley it was a worldwide success which led Hammer to make several sequels, and new versions of 'Dracula' (1958) and 'The Mummy' (1959), and established 'Hammer Horror' as a distictive brand o Gothic cinema. It had Peter Cushing as Victor Frankenstaine and Christopher Lee as the Creature. It was the 'first really gory horror film, showing blood and guts in colour'.
30 April 1958 - Hecht, Hills & Lancaster try to cash in on 'Trapeze' box-office success pairing off Burt Lancaster & Tony Curtis again in the film-noir 'Sweet smell of success' (A embriaguês do sucesso). Despite a poorly received preview screening, it has greatly improved in stature over the years. It is now highly acclaimed by film critics, particularly for its cinematography and screenplay.
6 May 1958 - OESP reviewer writes extensively about 'Sweet smell of sucess' (A embriaguês do sucesso). Read more at Wikipedia:
30 April 1958 - Otto Preminger's 'Saint Joan' (Santa Joana) with Jean Seberg at the height of her beauty. This was actually, Seberg's debut film. She won the talent search conducted by Preminger hat reportedly tested more than 18,000 young women for the role. It was released in the USA on 8 May 1957.
Jean Seberg in the set of 'Saint Joan'.
behind the scenes of 'Saint Joan'.
Miss Seberg about to fly a B.O.A.C. plane in Europe. 
25 May 1958 - At new and luxurious Paisandu, the last 2 days of 'Band of Angels'; next attraction: Audrey Hepburn & Fred Astaire in 'Cinderela em Paris' (Funny face)...
22 June 1958 - Clark Gable & Yvonne De Carlo in 'Meu pecado foi nascer' (Band of Angels) in its 4th week, now at Cine Bandeirantes plus 18 movie houses all over Sao Paulo.

quaint bloopers

27 April 1958 - Donald O'Connor as the great silent movie comedian in 'The Buster Keaton story' (O palhaço que não ri)... the blooper is in the clichè on top of Ipiranga: there is no such a thing as: 1a. feira in Portuguese. The days of the week are: domingo, 2a. feira, 3a. feira, 4a. feira, 5a. feira, 6a. feira and sábado... as you see there is no 1a. feira. The linotypist probably meant 2a. instead of 1a. 
July 1969 - Reginaldo Faria's 'Os paqueras', a comedy with a sexual leaning which Brazilian journalist used to call 'porno-chanchada' a mix of 'cheap comedy' (from the 1950s) with 'pornographic cinema', which was completely banned in the country up to 1988 - still long 19 years in the future. The blooper here is the clichè (again) which was set upside-down: Bruni Vila Nova.

Sunday, 13 May 2018

MEXICAN & ARGENTINE movies in Brazil in the 1950s

During the 40s & 50s Brazil was a good market for Mexican, Argentine or Spanish movies... as of the mid-1960s onwards Brazilians were weaned off their cousins' Cultural Industry in a way that is still not fully explained.
10 February 1957 - great 'mariachi' singer Miguel Aceves Mejia stars in 'Aos quatro ventos' (A los cuatro vientos) produced in 1955, where he croons 'Cu cu rru cu cu paloma' among many other...
10 February 1957 - great Argentine singer Libertad Lamarque in Pel Mex's 1955's 'Escola de musica' (Escuela de musica) where she croons 'Brasil', 'A media luz', 'Guadalajara' etc.
26 May 1957 - big stars like Tito Guizar & Pedro Vargas together in 'Musica en la noche' (Musica noturna), a Pel-Mex super-production.

27 July 1957 - Cuban bomshell Maria Antonieta Pons stars in 'Que bravas son las costeñas!' (Mulheres de briga) a 1955 Mexican production.
29 December 1957 - Argentine singer-actor Hugo del Carril who started in films in 1937 and were really popular as of 1945... still made movies: 'Más allá del olvido' (Além do esquecimento) was released in Argentina in 1955 - when del Carril was already 43 years old.
17 May 1958 - Based on a smash hit written by Carlos Crespo, 'Hipocrita' was a typical Mexican melodrama of fallen women; Cuban bombshell Maria Antonieta Pons in 'Teatro do crime' supported by Mexican comedian Tin-Tan, Chilean balladeer Lucho Gatica, singer-song-writer Agustin Lara, singers Pedro Vargas, Luis Aguilar etc.
20 July 1958 - Mexican comedian Tin Tan may have been called 'a second-rate Cantinglas' but he actually had his own brand of humour; 'Ha mortos que não fazem ruidos' (Hay muertos que no hacem ruidos) was released in 1946; Fernandel was French but as he was a comedian too, and I usually saw this films at the same theatre I saw Tin Tan... well, that's why he's here.
3rd August 1958 - a more recent Tin Tan flick: 1955's 'Lo que le pasó a Sansón!' (O que é que há com Sansão?). Tin Tan had a special skill in sending up great ouvres of literature. Here are some of his titles: 'La marca del Zorrillo'; 'Simbad el mareado' (1950); 'El bello dormiente' (1951); 'El vizconde de Monte Cristo' (1954); 'El sultan descalzo' (sending up Ava Gardner's 'The barefoot contessa') and 'Los líos de Barba Azul' (1954); 'El gato sin botas' (1956); 'Los tres mosqueteros y medio' (1956); 'Rebelde sin casa' (1957) sending up 'Rebel without a cause'; 'El fantasma de la opereta' (1959) and 'El violetero' (1960).
16 November 1958 - At Cine Broadway 'Tin-Tan em Havana' ('Tin Tan en La Habana' aka 'El mariachi desconocido) released originally in 1953; see Rita Gam playing a red-skin in 'Mohawk' (1956).
 4 January 1959 - Mario Moreno aka Cantinflas in 'O engraxate' (El bolero de Raquel) in his first technicolor movie released in 1956 in Mexico.
4 January 1959 - Cuban bombshell Maria Antonieta Pons stars in 'Flôr de canela', a 1959 release in technicolor. Mexican movie industry was years ahead of its Brazilian counterpart.
26 June 1960 - Tito Davison's 1958 movie 'Musica de siempre' with an international cast like Riz Ortoloni, Tin Tan, Libertad Lamarque, Yma Sumac, Amália Rodrigues, Katina Ranieri, Edith Piaf, Agustin Lara and dozens of hit-songs like 'Suite moderna', 'Vereda tropical', 'Claro de luna', 'Ahululco', 'Yo soy la música', 'Entre 15 o 20 tragos', 'El cordon de mi corpiño', 'Granada', 'Mambo rock', 'Rock around the clock', 'Lisboa, no seas francesa', 'El día que me quieras' etc.  
7 April 1974 - Amazingly enough as late as 1974, a Carlos Gardel movie is re-played at Cine Marrocos and Cine Flamingo. 'Melodia de arrabal' (Suburban melody) was produced by Paramount and shot at their studio in Joinville-le-Pont in Paris, France in 1933

Monday, 7 May 2018

1962 - 'Come September' (Quando setembro vier) June

3rd June 1962 - 'Come September' (Quando setembro vier) premieres at Cine Astor and Cine Paisandu on 4 June 1962; it had opened in the USA on 9 August 1961, almost a year earlier.
23rd December 1962 - 'Come September' (Quando Setembro vier) starts at Cine Bandeirantes after having been seen by hundreds of thousands for 29 weeks (6 months) with Bobby Darin's homonymous baiao playing on the radio in a Dot Records single by Billy Vaughn.
Gina Lollobrigida & Rock Hudson colourized by pencil...
Rock Hudson in the 1950s.
Lollo & Hudson riding a Lambretta... 
Rock & Gina do the cha-cha
Lollo & Hudson: happy ending...
23 December 1962 - Some of the flicks showing in Sao Paulo at Christmas time 1962: at Cine Boulevard a double-feature with Kirk Douglas in 'Lonely are the brave' (Sua ultima façanha) & Hammer production 'Captain Clegg' (A patrulha fantasma) with Peter Cushing; at Cine Ipiranga 'Walk on the wild side' (Pelos bairros do vicio); at Cine Scala, 'Oro di Napoli' (Ouro de Napoles) a 1954 production of Carlo Ponti & Dino de Laurentiis; at Cine Astor, Peter Sellers in 'Only two can play' (O preço do pecado); and Elvis Presley stars in 'Blue Hawaii' (Feitiço havaiano) at Cine Paulista & Trianon. 
magazine 'Filmelândia' November 1961, brings details about the production of 'Come September'.
Bobby Darin has been called cocky, brash, arrogant, obnoxious and impudent...