Thursday, 12 February 2015

1 9 6 2 - Soviet & Polish festival / 'Mädchen in Uniform'

7 January 1962 - The ad on the left boasts Armando Bó's 'Favela' (Shanty-town) with Isabel Sarli is the best Brazilian co-production since Marcel Camus's 'Black Orpheus'. Miss Sarli, who had been Miss Argentina 1955, plays a Brazilian girl called Conceição who like a 1956 hit-song was a girl who used to live up in a shanty-town perched on a hill-side that decides to climb down and live it up in the city among the rich. Cauby Peixoto in his most popular song sums it up: 'Whether Conceição went up, well, nobody knows, nobody has ever seen but today Conceição wishes she had never climbed down from the slums'; the film may not be fantastic but it's pretty good especially with the Brazilian cast showing singer-song-writer-actor Monsueto in a good light; Black Ruth de Souza is very good, as usual and the music is fantastic; the highlight though is Isabel Sarli lying stark naked as an offer to Yemanjá... that may turn out to be a lesbian after all; at Cine Aurea 'Um homem de certa profissão' (Le gigolo) where Jean Claude Brialy plays a male prostitute and Alida Valli is just gorgeous.
Isabel Sarli as Miss Argentina 1955 in Long Beach, CA; right with Rory Calhoun in Hollywood.
25 September 1966 - Armando Bo's 'Favela' is back at Cine Boulevard four years later. 
 Jean Claude Brialy plays a hustler in 'Le gigolo'.
7 January 1962 - the dance craze the twist was getting hold on the world again... since it started in early 1960, died a little later and was re-born in the upper classes again in late 1961 and 1962. Chubby Checker straight from Philadelphia-PA was the King of Twist and starred in 'Twist around the clock' with Dion, The Marcels who were #1 all around the world with the 'revamping' of Rodgers & Hart 1934 hit 'Blue moon'; Mexican comedian Cantinflas is sure to draw big crowds to the theatres even if it's a repeat; here he plays with the Devil himself in 'Un dia con el diablo' (Um dia com o diabo-A day with the devil) done in 1945.
7 January 1962 - Cine Jussara on Rua Dom José de Barros, played only 'adult movies'. As pornography was banned in the country the movie-theatre manager could only enhance the sexy bits of the films he hired with heavy language like: Jayne Mansfield aka The Bust in 'The challenge' which was freely translated as 'A mulher que soube amar' (The woman who knew how to love); at Cine Lider one could see a Russian masterpiece called 'Quando voam as cegonhasЛетят журавли (The cranes are flying) with Tatiana Samoilova & Alexei Batalov which won the Palm d'Or at Cannes in 1958.
14 January 1962 - Sex was the word... but a tame sex compared with today's no-holds-barred; at Cine Aurea a 1949 flick 'The devil's sleep' (Até do diabo dorme) where former Mrs. Charles Chaplin, Lita Grey Chaplin deals with smugglers of... sleeping pills... see how dangerous they were in 1949?; at Cine Regina, French bombshell Pascale Petit aka PP as a counter point to more famous BB played a alegedly lecherous nun in 'Lettere di una novizia'(A noviça proibida - 'A noviça rebelde' was on her way though in another 2 more years); Austrian bombshell Nadja Tiller who was Miss Austria 1949, played another temptress in a British drama directed by Robert Siodmak 'The rough and the smooth' or 'Portrait of a sinner' (Retrato de uma pecadora).
28 January 1962 - The twist craze kept on churning out movies after movies; 'Vamos ao twist' (Hey, let's twist) was filmed at the Peppermint Lounge in New York and acted by Jo-Ann Campbell and Italo-American Teddy Randazzo plus twist's sensation Joey Dee & the Starliters, Look who's twistin' away... Sophia Loren. The dance had 2 different phases; it started as a teenager dance craze in 1960... it sort of died away to be revived 1 and a half year later at New York's Peppermint Lounge where the Jet set were caught by the dance craze all over again. Brazil only followed the trend... and shut up!
Romy und Lili
28 January 1962 - At Cine Republica 'Judgement at Nuremberg' (Julgamento em Nuremberg) with an stelar cast including Maximilian Schell who won an Academy Award for best actor of 1961; at Cine Coral, 'Mädchen in Uniform' (Senhoritas de uniforme) a remake of a 1931 German movie where Romy Schneider has a chance of playing some not-so-sweet role of an orphan girl who is dumped in a very harsh & disciplinarian boarding school where she falls in love with Lilli Palmer's character the only supervisor to show her any kindness.
Romy Schneider, director Geza Radvanyi & Lili Palmer.
18 February 1962 - at Cine Ipiranga, Sandra Dee replaces Debbie Reynolds (1957) as the southern-country-girl Tammy in 'Tammy tell me true' (Com amor no coração) with heart-throb John Gavin who had his best phase around this time having appeared in 'Psycho', 'Spartacus' and 'Back street'.
25 February 1962 - bombastic French-Italian production 'La fille dans la vitrine' (Mulheres na vitrina / La ragazza in vetrina) had two Italian workers living in Holland fall in love in 2 hookers who advertise their bodies exposing themselves at shop-windows in Amsterdam. Marina Vlady & Magaly Noel play the prostitutes; at Cine Bandeirantes, Sidney Poitier in 'A raisin in the sun' (O sol tornará a brilhar) the drama of an American Black family that yearns for a better future. 
25 February 1962 - Zé Trindade is back with 'Bom mesmo é carnaval', another musical comedy by Croat director J.B.Tanko  with Nelly Martins, Renato Restier, Anilza Leoni, Jayme Costa etc.
4 March 1962 - a great medium-sized cinema-house Cine Barão is inaugurated on rua Barão de Itapetininga on Friday, 9 March 1962.
1st April 1962 - US actor John Gavin visits S.Paulo and is present at Cine Astor for the screening of 'Back street' (Esquina do pecado); Gavin was on his way to Mar del Plata in Argentina for their film festival.
young rock journalist Albert Pavão shows John Gavin his 'Rocks News' magazine.
Eva Wilma in a toast with John Gavin.
John Gavin looks beguiled by the Brazilian music played by pianist Djalma Ferreira with a little help from actor John Herbert. Eva Wilma is on Gavin's left and record-producer Roberto Corte-Real is on the far-right.
Um dos mais audaciosos e caros filmes do periodo entre o final do cinema mudo e início do sonoro. A historia traça um paralelo entre 2 catástrofes: o diluvio biblico e a I Guerra Mundial. 'A arca de Noé' foi exibida a 18 de novembro de 1929, no antigo Cine República. Dolores Costello é a estrêla.
15 April 1962 - a special adaptation of producer Robert Youngson who had the rights on the film. This was the first time I actually saw a silent movie, even though it had an added sound-track. 'Noah's Ark' (A arca de Noé) was released in November 1928 on the cusp of the transition between silence and sound. I saw it at Cine Goiaz in Pinheiros and was really impressed by the whole thing. I fell immediately in love with Dolores Costello who plays 2 roles as there are 2 stories happening at the same time: Noah's times and World War I time. At the beginning the producer added a few scenes of 'Noah's Ark' premier in Hollywood with all the glitter that really impressed a teen-ager.

Daryl Zanuck was in charge of production at Warner Brothers and director Michael Curtiz used everything they knew about film-making when it came to mounting this production. It appears to have been conceived as an attempt to copy the success of Cecil B. DeMille's 1923's 'The Ten Commandments' that had used a long prologue to tell the story of Moses. 'Noah's Ark' shows that Zanuck & Curtiz had carefully studied DeMille's film and then attempted to out do it. Their film opens with a modern story and then travels back into time to show how the story of Noah and the flood correspond to modern life.
middle-aged Ruth Roman has got the hots for shirtless teen-idol Paul Anka. 
4 May 1962 - Sarita Montiel's 'Pecado de amor' at Cine Olido; 'Look in any window' (Paixões ocultas) with former teen-idol Paul Anka and Ruth Roman at Cine Windsor.
11 May 1962 - Seven different Soviet movies were shwon in seven days at Cine Coral:
Grigori Chukhrai's 'Чистое небо' (Céu limpo / Clear skies) 1961; story of a Soviet pilot who survives Nazi imprisonment during WWII but is later accused of being a spy. It was one of the 1st Soviet films to deal with some of Stalin-era repressive practices.
Ivan the Terrible - Ivan, o terrivel (Иван Грозный) a 2-part historical epic film about Ivan IV of Russia commissioned by Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin, who admired and identified himself with Ivan, to be written and directed by the filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein (Сергей Михайлович Эйзенштейн). Part I was released in 1944 but Part II was not released until 1958, as it was banned on the order of Stalin, who became incensed over the depiction of Ivan therein. Eisenstein had developed the scenario to require a 3rd part to finish the story but, with the banning of Part II, filming of Part III was stopped and what had been completed was destroyed.
Rio de Janeiro's Correio da Manhã - 22 May 1962
Aleksandr Alov and Vladimir Naumov's 'Мир входящему' (A paz seja contigo / Peace to him who enters) 1961 - is set in WWII and tells the story of 2 Soviet soldiers who try to rescue a trapped pregnant German woman by taking her on a dangerous drive to a hospital.
directed by Iosif Kheifitz based on a Anton Chekhov story 'Дама с собачкой' (A dama do cachorrinho / The lady with the dog) it was entered into the 1960 Cannes Festival; with Iya Savvina & Aleksey Batalov.
Iven Aleksendrovich Piriev's 'Белые ночи' (Noites brancas / White nights) 1959.
Mikhail Kalatozov's 'Неотправленное письмо' (A carta que não foi enviada / Letter never sent) 1959 starring Tatyana Samojlova, the same actress who was in Kalatozov's most lauded film, 'The cranes are flying'. 
Nikolai Cherkasov (Никола́й Константи́нович Черка́сов) * 27 July 1903 + 14 September 1966.
31 May 1962 - Czech filmmaker Jiri Weiss directs 'Romeu e Julieta nas trevas' (Romeo, Juliet a tma / Romeo, Juliet and darkness) - 1960 - a moving love story about a Prague student, Pavel (Ivan Mistrik), who hides a Jewish girl (Dana Smutna) in his apartment attic during the brutal Nazi invasion of Prague; at Cine Windsor 1959's Russian film 'O idiota' (Идиот) with Yuri Yakovlev & Yuliya Barisova based on Fyodor Dostoyevsky's novel.
3 June 1962 - 'El Cid' finally opens on Monday, 4 June 1962 at Cine Windsor, one of the best movie houses in town.
'Filmelândia' posts a sinopse of 'Quando setembro vier' in its December 1961 issue. 
3 June 1962 - On the same Monday that 'El Cid' opens at Cine Windsor, 'Come September' opens at Cine Astor and Cine Paisandú.
10 June 1962 -

24 June 1962 -
5 August 1962 - Festival of Polish Films at MAM - Museu de Arte Moderna at Ibirapuera in S.Paulo - Wanda Jakubowska's 'Ostatni Etap' (A ultima etapa) 1948; Aleksander Ford's 'A verdade não tem fronteiras' 1948 & 'Piątka z ulicy Barskiej' (Os cinco da Rua Barska) 1954; Andrezej Munk's 'Zezowate szczęście' (Azar) 1960 & 'Eroica' (1961); Wojciech Has's 'Pożegnania' (Os adeuses) 1958; Andrezej Wajda's 'Canal' (1957), 'Popiół i diament' (Cinzas e diamantes) 1958 & 'Samson' (Sansão) 1961; Czesław PetelskiPetelski's 'Baza ludzi umarłych' (Céu de pedra) (1959); Jerzy Passendorfer's 'Powrót' (Sombras do passado) 1960; Jan Rybkowski's 'Dziś w nocy umrze miasto' (A cidade morrerá esta noite) 1960; Tadeusz Chmielewski's 'Ewa chce spać' (Eva quer dormir) 1958; Jan Batory's 'Odwiedziny prezydenta' (Espero o Sr. Presidente) 1961; Kazimierz Kutz's 'Ludzie z pociągu' (Pânico no trem) 1961; Stanislaw Rosewicz's 'Świadectwo urodzenia' (Certidão de nascimento) 1960 and Jerzy Kawalerowicz's 'Matka Joanna od Aniołów' (Madre Joana dos Anjos)  1961 - which will close the festival.

12 August 1962 -  Polish Film Festival in S.Paulo keeps going strong during 2 weeks at Cinemateca at Parque do Ibirapuera.
Barbara Kwiatkowska-Lass & Roman Polanski. They were married from 1959 to 1962.
14 August 1962 - a 1958 Mexican-Brazilian co-production 'A mulher de fogo' was first shown at Cine Art Palacio in 1 December 1958, a full-coloured film starring Mexican bombshell Ninon Sevilla as Mujer de fuego with some of the best Brazilian music in the sound-track.

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